Relaxing Day in Addis Ababa

In the morning some people went to the National Museum of Ethiopia to see Lucy a skeleton which is over 3 million years old. Since I’m not very much interested in skeletons I decided not to go and have a relaxing day in the hotel instead following up on my blog for the past two weeks.
We are also leaving Addis Ababa tomorrow morning and my cooking group will be on duty for preparing lunch and dinner. Luckily, one of our two new Dutch travellers joint my cooking group and it turned out that he is a very skilled and passionate cook who is experienced in preparing meals for large amounts of people. These facts sounds like a lottery win to me. I therefore dropped my lead in cooking and gave him the responsibility for planning tomorrow’s lunch and dinner. He was also very much excited about food shopping and so there was no need for me to go to the food market today :-)
In the evening we went out for a group dinner to an Indian restaurant called “Jevel of India” which served very nice food. Unfortunately only seven of us came since most of the other people were either too exhausted or sick. I’m still full of energy and the only little pain I have is a runner’s toe I caught when walking downhill on a hike in the Semien Mountains a couple of weeks ago. My big toes look kind of funny and the blue colour could also be fancy nail polish.
During the next three weeks we will be mainly camping meaning I will not have access to the internet and updates to my blog might take a while…