My Time with Pedro* – Day 3
It’s weekend and I really was looking forward to spent some more time with Pedro*. We had breakfast in a buffet type of restaurant. Actually Pedro never cooks and has a nearly empty fridge. Probably single Brazilian men, who are able to afford it, prefer to eat in restaurants rather than cooking. I fully understand this since my fridge used to be very empty as well. While being on business travel from Monday to Friday, I stayed in 4 or 5 star hotels and ate in restaurants all the time. This was mainly due to the fact you simply cannot cook in a hotel room and even when I would have moved into a fully serviced apartment I was not in the mood to cook when returning from work at the late evening or in the middle of the night. The more I appreciate now to select fresh ingredients on the market and to cook because it’s the key to a more healthy lifestyle, control what I’m actually eating and to use less fat and sugar as cooks do in restaurants.
I also observed Brazilians starting to eat less healthy as they used to eat a couple of years ago. As citizen of an emerging country they enjoy the benefits of a better lifestyle and are attracted by everything which looks American. There are long lines in McDonalds and other kind of fast food restaurants and people start to get fat as the Americans are. I hope they discover one day not everything coming from the US is actually good for them and worth to adapt to.
Even before breakfast Pedro went to a drugstore with me because he wanted to buy me some contraceptive pills in order to have sex with me without a condom. Actually he would also have sex with me without any kind of protection so obsessed was he with his desire to get a wife again and to have kids. To make a woman pregnant seemed to him also a method of securing a woman since the likelihood of a pregnant woman or a woman with a little kid leaving him is significantly smaller than without kids. He also stated when a woman starts to take contraceptive pills this is actually a sign to him how much she likes him which I find weird as well. Usually with most women you need a couple of days and dinners until she actually let you to have sex with her. Although I don’t like to play this female type of game and can have spontaneous sex with somebody I desire, it’s a big step for me to leave a condom away as it is for all woman I know and who care about themselves. I truly hate condoms but they are simply a proven method of not getting pregnant and protect you against all kinds of strange diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis you can actually die from. Sorry, I love my live so much that I don’t want to jeopardize it for a few minutes of enhanced sexual pleasure. Most Germans have the same point of view resulting in both partners taking a HIV / Hepatitis test to prove each other they are clean. This is not a question at all.
I actually started to take the contraceptive pill and all people I know would say this is crazy on day three, so do I. Pedro would have been extremely disappointed if I wouldn’t have started taking it and so I did it although I didn’t really wanted at this point in time. As much as I hate condoms I’m very much convinced good sex is actually not dependent on using a condom or not. Good sex is about providing pleasure to your partner which some men have not understood so far. They think it’s enough to lay three minutes on a woman and ejaculate in her, have no clue about female anatomy and how women can actually orgasm on someone. My theory is that there are many women out there who have never had an orgasm in their whole life or experience it seldom because their partner simply doesn’t care and is putting no efforts in it. This results in many women being sexually frustrated, losing the joy of having sex, faking orgasms and men go and fuck prostitutes. A whole industry is living on that. I decided not to become one of these frustrated women resulting in selecting my sexual partners pretty careful.
After I took the contraceptive pill Pedro thought it’s working immediately. Personally I have no experience with combined products containing oestrogen and progestogen since when I started taking the pill I decided to take a progestogen-only micropill which is less harm to your body because I actually got sick from the combined products. The micropill requires much more discipline as combined products since you need to take it every day at the same point in time. If you miss the point in time by more than three hours the pill is not working. Therefore, not many women take it. Since I was lacking experience with combined products, I looked up the internet how they are actually working. In Germany it’s impossible to actually buy contraceptive pills and you need to see a gynecologist every half a year at least in order to get them prescribed and be able to buy them in a pharmacy. Since there was no gynecologist to consult and the sales stuff in the drugstore seemed to have no clue either I needed to search the internet. I found out the pill only provides immediate protection if you start to take it at the beginning of the menstrual cycle which was not the case with me. If you start to take it in the middle of the cycle it is either not working or starts to work after you have taken it for 7 or 14 days in a row but I’m not sure if I can trust the internet sources I found. This fact disappointed Pedro and from now on he was asking me every day if I cannot shorten this timeframe which I obviously didn’t wanted to do. I was also very much confused how a guy, who is as smart as Pedro, can be so careless when it comes to such life-changing acts such as jeopardizing health and future life by making someone pregnant you know for three days only.
One might think Pedro was keen on marrying to get a German passport as a key to a better life in a developed country. I could quickly exclude this thought because of Pedro’s background which I don’t want to describe further to protect his identity. So what was it actually? Was it craziness, hormones or true desire which was blowing his mind away? I haven’t found out so far.
Since Brasilia is very hot during daytime, Pedro likes to go for a walk in the neighborhood in the late afternoon or early evening. So we did today. I really liked walking with him since this gave us time to talk to each other, exchange what happened in our lives so far and discuss a number of topics. Our walk led us to a video rental store. Pedro enjoys watching movies very much and every day we spent together we were watching 1-3 movies a day. Although I also like good movies I found it a bit too much to watch so many movies in a short period of time and would have liked to spend the time on more interactive activities but I was probably unable to articulate it clear enough. I can’t really recall what movies we watched each day. Today it was “Zoolander” and “The Trotsky” or so and we had lots of Häagen-Dasz ice-cream with it.
(* name changed)